The portal can also display a list of payment terminals where you can see their identification, a list of services activated on the terminal, when the terminal was last online and the system version of the payment terminal.
List of devices
The Serial Number (SN) or TID of the terminal is used to identify the terminal, which is unique for each device. 1 QR code serves to activate the terminal (an alternative to entering the activation PIN). Clicking on 1 Info will display device information. Click 3 Edit to go to device detail.
On the Device Settings screen, you will find out if 2 has already been Activated and when. Here you will find 3 Activation PIN, you can 4 Files upload logo Touchpads/certificate or request the activation of meal vouchers by clicking on 5 Food vouchers – you will learn more in the chapter Food vouchers”:{TOPIC-LINK+sravenkove- cards}.