The Dashboard section is the default section of the Dotypay portal. Data from terminals are processed and displayed in 2 graphs – Total Sales Graph and Transaction Types Graph.

Graph Total Sales

The graph shows an overview of sales for the time period you have selected. The help lines (orange and red) then show data for previous time periods. You can thus see a comparison of sales at the terminals for different time periods.

Total Sales Graph

1 Sales in currency – In case you accept payments in more than one currency (e.g. CZK and EUR), choose for which type of payment you want to display the data in the chart.
2 Select the establishment – In case you have more than one establishment, tick for which ones you want to display data in the chart.
3 Select terminals – In case you have more than one terminal, tick the ones you want to display data for in the graph.
4 Time period – Choose the time period to display the data. You can choose from: Today, Yesterday, This Week, Last Week, Last 2 Weeks, This Month, Last Month, This Year, Last Year, and Custom Range (select a from-to date using calendars).

Chart Transaction Type

The chart shows the percentage of each card type in transactions for the selected period.

Transaction Type Graph

5 Card Types – If you want to display data only for selected card types, just tick them.